Telangana University UG I, II and III Year Result 2014 -
Telangana University has recently published UG I, II and III Year Result 2014 at its main official website -
About Telangana University:
Telangana University is established through Act Number 28 of 2006, Government of Andhra Pradesh to cater to the academic pursuits of backward and rural student community belongs to Nizamabad and Adilabad districts. Due to the inadequacy of facilities for Higher Education in these two districts and inability of the existing Universities to cater to needs of Post Graduate and Research Programmes in remote and inaccessible backward and tribal areas and with a view to remove the regional imbalances of Higher Education in the state this Telangana University is established at Dichpally of Nizamabad district.
Students can check Telangana University UG I, II and III Year Result 2014 following given below links
Tag: Telangana University UG Results | UG I, II and III Year Result | Telangana University Exam Result 2014 | UG Results