Project Officer
International Institute for Population Sciences
Address: The Coordinator, Gujarat Nutrition Survey International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS), Deemed University, Post Box No. 8307, Govandi Station Road, Deonar, Mumbai - 400 088
Applications are invited for the following posts purely on a temporary basis in a project entitled “Comprehensive Gujarat Nutrition Survey” as per the details given below. The survey is sponsored and funded by Department of Women and Child Development(DWCD), Government of Gujarat.
No of the Post: Project Officer
No of the Post: 02
Pay Scale: Rs. 30000/- per month all inclusive
Education: M.Phil degree
Last Date: 28.02.2014
How to Apply: Interested candidates may apply along with Bio-data, attested copies of certificates, testimonial and photos. The candidates are requested to send their application on or before 28 February 2014 on above address.
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