DSIIDC, Government of NCT, Delhi
Address: The Chief Manager, Personnel, Delhi State Industrial & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited, Head Quarter: N-Block, Bombay Life Building, Connaught Circus, New Delhi - 110001
DSIIDC invites online applications for recruitment to the following posts:
Name of the Post: Divisional Manager
No of the Post: 3
Pay Scale: 15600-39100
Grade Pay: 6600
Name of the Post: Sr. Manager
No of the Post: 6
Pay Scale: 15600-39100
Grade Pay: 5400
Name of the Post: Sr. Project Manager (Electrical)
No of the Post: 2
Pay Scale: 15600-39100
Grade Pay: 5400
Name of the Post: Sr. Project Manager (Civil)
No of the Post: 13
Pay Scale: 15600-39100
Grade Pay: 5400
Name of the Post: Divisional Account Officer
No of the Post: 3
Pay Scale: 9300-34800
Grade Pay: 5400
How to Apply: The detailed advertisement alongwith the instruction to fill up the online application form etc will be available at DSIIDC website http://www.dsiidc.org tentatively from 22nd March, 2014.
For more information: Click Here